Jacksons Financial Services

Estate Planning

The astonishing rise in house prices over the last decade or so has meant that more and more of us are now caught by Inheritance Tax, a position which used to be the problem of only the very wealthy. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has benefitted very nicely from this situation, but there are ways in which your hard-earned wealth can be protected from this tax.

Estate planning involves many disciplines, from investment planning, to will-writing, to complex trust arrangements. Each individual or family is different, as they may have very different ideas as to what they want to leave to their children, or to charity, or their pet poodle!

At Jacksons we act as a hub to tie together all these areas of expertise. We will assess your current situation and your likely Inheritance Tax bill if you were to die tomorrow. We will then recommend a strategy for reducing this tax as far as is possible over the coming years.

Don’t delay in seeking qualified advice about you estate planning – the earlier you begin, the more we can do to help you!

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Jacksons Financial Services, Suite 5, Camelot Court, Alverton Street, Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2QN

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