

Featured below are some links to related websites. All links will open in a new window.

Financial Services Authority Logo
Financial Services Authority
The Financial Services Authority is the government body which authorises and regulates all financial services companies in the UK.

 Personal Finance Service Logo
Personal Finance Society
The Personal Finance Society is the premier industry body for financial advisers. All our advisers are members.
Jacksons Insurance Logo
T. Jackson & Son Insurances
Our sister company, which is a general insurance broker established in Penzance in 1923. They specialise in all insurances for home, motor, commercial and agricultural clients.
Institute of Financial Planning.
Institute of Financial Planning
The IFP is the body which represents professional financial planners in the UK. It is the organisation that authorises and controls the use of the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) License, which is held by JFS director Pete Matthew.

These links are provided for your convenience. No responsibility is assumed by us for the contents of their pages. We will not be able to deal with any queries arising from these external websites - please contact the provider of the website directly.

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